Friday, May 6, 2011

Mission: Organization

My office/craft room has been a work in progress since we moved in here. Honestly, it just kept getting worse and worse, eventually looking like a natural disaster had struck. You could barely move through the room, but I knew where everything was. It was my "organized chaos".

As I keep acquiring more and more supplies, I'm running out of places to put them. I really realized how big the problem was when I shipped an item the other day, and it took me ten minutes to get everything together.

I have started searching rummage sales for better ways to store everything, and this morning, I found a little ray of hope. I'm not even sure why I stopped, because it was a tiny rummage sale, but I did. And there I found a simple triple shelf. Right away, I ran to the dollar store to find some bins to put on the shelf. I managed to find some small black crates to perfectly match the black shelves.

I got them all home, and what do you know, three crates fit perfectly on one shelf. I bought six, so I just used a couple small baskets for the smaller items on the top shelf. Now I have my packaging on the top shelf, Inventory on the second, and shipping materials on the third. Perfect. Now for the rest of the room...


  1. I recently got everything organized, too. It's such a relief to know where everything is! Feels good, doesn't it?!

  2. Yes, it feels wonderful! I don't have to dig through a messy drawer to find something. Even better, my office/craft room is starting to look more professional, and that makes me feel better about this whole home business venture.
